About US

Venture Capitalist

Hassen López

Con licencia desde 2005, asesor y director regional de algunas de las principales instituciones financieras, incluidas CItibank, JP Morngan Chase, LPL Financial, Eagle Strategies, NY Life, National Life, director regional de inversiones en Chase Securities NY, HSBC y UNMB. Orgulloso veterano del ejército estadounidense.

Fundó Diversity Financial Group en 2016, mejorando resultados, fusionando inversiones tradicionales con estrategias modernas. 

Asesor Financiero Feduciario. Especialista en Capital Riesgo.
Licencia completa como asesor de inversiones Serie 7, 66, 63, 215.


 At Diversity, we work with families and business owners to create a solid foundation of protection for your family. We use wealth creation techinques, tax managed strategies. wealth growth and preservation. We help you create addional sources of income with our capital venture team.  Our business owners benefit from  out out the box thinking strategies. Utilizing advance  financial vehicles  to insure your short , medium and long term needs are met.  Eventually tranfering this assets to your beneficiaries in the most tax efficiant way.We have a wide team of experts at your disposal all working together to your favor. Become a member of our community of investors.



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